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I 'm making this app becuse at work we are always Wipeing and reloading computers

G+_Razelda Peacecraft

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I'm making this app becuse at work we are always Wipeing and reloading computers. the problem i found is in doing a full HDD backup moving the files back to the new windows system that you First have to take ownership of the file then you have to give permisions to that file.. I'm hoping with this app that will make the job way easyer


The App right now is grate at small # files in to any drive but the problem that i run into is bigger files or a high valume of files and it goes to a state of not resoponding give it about how ever long it takes your computer to copy the files and it finishes up ... i did find a solution it will require me to implament some malti-threding task to make things run smother (this is in it's pre pre alpha stage).. I feel thought that i might be a little bit far out of my depth for that thought


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