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Here we go again Come on ArsTechnica we figured you learned your lesson the first time

G+_marc williamson

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Yeah but it's hard to take the verge seriously when their short commentary includes 'first they right this gem of a piece', the word articlke and having 'quoted here' not her. There are a few other grammatical gaffs as well in about six sentences of copy.


Doesn't necessarily alter the underlying premise but there are many kinds of poor journalism and you have to be very careful about your own work when berating your competition.

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Ahhh... Interesting HeCareth M. Wosu thanks for pointing that out. Didn't matter how hard I looked as on mobile apart from the byline there is nothing to indicate that it wasn't an article




Very odd that there's no indication.


I can happily forgive errors in user content.

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As do I HeCareth M. Wosu. The standard I hold user comments and posts to are vastly different to those I hold journalists to. They get paid to be careful! :-)


I might email them actually as their formatting could potentially give them a bad name if it was actually legitimately offensive content that looked like it was theirs.

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