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For me I love Android but I would not spend $150 on glass never mind $1500

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Not to mention that while in public places privacy is not expected.  I also find it funny that with all the cameras in public places ALREADY actually recording YOU to WATCH you, that someone would get upset over some random person that incidentally records you while recording their own friends/family/place and you are just background.


I've taken pictures for places I've visted while on vacation in restaurants and such and they are on that establishments photos if you were to look them up on Google.  Faces and all.  I did those with my cell phone.


If you want privacy stay home.  I promise that I won't come into your house and record you.  If you go the gas station or grocery store or out to eat....BEWARE!!!

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OH....and to add to this... MY glass is out for delivery right now.  Hopefully should be here within the hour.  I'm about to be one of "those" people "recording all the time".  


I hear you Richard Oldroyd , I am a hermit for the most part.  I don't go anywhere but work and home unless on a vacation or one of my kids' functions.  I just can't stand people who complain about EVERYTHING .  


Once I get mine, I will respect any establishment that says it's not allowed.  But bet your bottom dollar that I will whip out my cell phone and do it that way unless they say that too.  Then....I probably won't go there.

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