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I need some help from my fellow AAA listeners (and hosts)

G+_Jason Fleisher

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I need some help from my fellow AAA listeners (and hosts). I am being provided with a phone from my employer. The problem is, I can choose Verizon, AT&T or Sprint and any phone I want. Nice problem to have but what should I get? I've been with Sprint for years and am using a Galaxy Nexus with CM10.1. I'm getting tired of Sprint because they have yet to roll out LTE in my area (Tucson).


So, here are my thought:


Pros: AWESOME hardware!

Cons: LG's reputation for supporting their phones.

Carrier: Verizon has Qi charging, but usually cripples their phones. 


Moto X

Pros: Lots

Cons: Pretty much the same screen I have now. Would love HD but it wouldn't kill me. Not sure I can get the 32GB version. Have to buy through Carrier website.



Pros: Good phone, CM available, GPE available.

Cons: Can I put the GPE Rom on it? Maybe just the AT&T version?



Pros: Nice phone. Not much else to say.


So, what do you recommend? Company is switching to Verizon but I think I can still get AT&T if I want. That G2 hardware is very tempting.


Thanks for any advice you have!



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I would say it depends on how you are going to use the phone. What's more important calls or data. Verizon would probably give you the best reception. But what happens if you go over their data cap? Also is the phone going to be restricted? Like certain websites blocked, certain apps disabled? If you aren't going to be restricted by data caps or limited functionality I would go Verizon. Because of their superior coverage.

Out of the phones listed I would probably try the LG. The gs4 has limited memory, the htc and moto X don't have removable batteries and I refuse to support them.

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Lucas Nichols I don't have to worry too much about data caps on the corporate plan. I'm pretty sure the US version of the G2 doesn't have a replaceable battery either. But this 3000 mAh battery is supposed to be really good. One of my main concerns is if I will able to root it. I can live with stock but I would be lost without root for backups and tweaks.

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I don't have strong feelings either way for the phones listed.  I would also recommend Verizon, particularly since you don't have to foot the bill yourself.  I have found their general coverage and LTE coverage to be excellent and on LTE the bandwidth available is phenomenal.  I am generally seeing 10-30 Mb down and 4-10 Mb upload speeds.


Verizon does tend to lag in pushing updates to phones though, so be sure you are happy with the phone you have rather than focusing on what it will become with future updates because you will be waiting months for the updates to roll out.  My S3 is still on 4.1.2 and I haven't heard anything about when there may be more updates.

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Hard luxury problem to have, Jason Fleisher . Lol. I'd prob go with AT&T as my carrier so you'll have a GSM-LTE carrier instead of a CDMA-LTE carrier and you mentioned that Verizon cripples devices and you had problems with Sprint so there you go.


As far as hardware, I'd prob go with the Moto X. Since I'm recommending AT&T, at least you can use MotoMaker to get a custom device and later you could root and add a custom ROM to finish the overall custom look.


Either way, I'm super jealy so best of luck regardless of what device/carrier you choose. ^_^?

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