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HELP Locked out of phone after leaving N Beta

G+_David Clark

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HELP Locked out of phone after leaving N Beta


A few weeks ago after Google I/O I decided to give the N Beta preview a try. I enrolled my Nexus 6 phone and everything worked fine. However over the last week or so I've been getting a lot of app crashes and slowness that has been frustrating so I decided to roll back to Marshmallow and un-enrolled my Nexus 6 from the program. Immediately my phone started downloading the latest Marshmallow software update and after reading the warning that all data would be deleted from the phone I installed the update.


Once installed the phone activated the cellular service and the Welcome Screen appeared. I then connected the phone to wifi and was prompted to enter my Google account (email address) and password which it seems to accept but then I get a message that pops up that states "Please sign in using one of the owner's accounts for this device". and it bounces me back to the screen asking for my email address again.


I have 2 google accounts that I've used on this phone and neither seem to work. I have clicked on the "Need help finding your account?" link and answered the questions and I get a window pop up that states " Verify your number Google will send a one-time text message to confirm that (xxx)xxx-xxxx is yours." with the options to verify or try another way to sign in. Verify does nothing, since I can't get in the phone to check the text message they are trying to send and "try another way to sign in" sends me to g.co/recover which has a bunch of options for recovering a lost account but not how to fix this issue I'm having with the phone not recognizing my correct Google account.


So I am not really sure where to go to get help to get back into my phone? Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


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Thanks Joseph Cappellino and Jason Howell for the ideas and input. Unfortunately I don't have a second phone to move the SIM card to and as it turned out that wouldn't have been helpful anyway.

I know this is long but this tale may be helpful to other who may find themselves in a similar situation as me.


I spent much of the day yesterday searching for a resolution to my issue. Since I have a Nexus 6 I contacted Motorola using their online chat support and ended up on the phone with them for more than an hour trying various things included rebooting and factory resetting the phone, all to no avail. Motorola concluded the call by offering me a new Nexus 6 for $179 but I wasn't ready to give up on this one just yet. Next I paid a visit to my local Sprint store and although this didn't fix the problem it did give me a little more direction and I went home and was able to find the Google Play Nexus Support Chat at https://support.google.com/nexus


Samantha was the support person that I chatted with and the first thing she asked me after I submitted my issue description was "Did you recently change your password?" and my answer was yes. She went on to say that due to Google security that the device would not be updated to recognize/accept the new password for 24 hours and that I should have access to the phone once the 24 hours was up. She also sent me an email with the details of the issue that I could also use to re-contact if there were still problems. Low and behold this morning I powered on my Nexus 6 and was able to put in my Google account and password and start restoring everything back to my phone. The moral of the story when something unexpected happens like this. Don't panic and start changing passwords and make sure you read the messages that display on the phone before you start making changes that may potentially screw you up. Luckily I only was locked out for 24 hours but it could have been much worse and I could have bricked the phone for good. Thanks again and Cheers! ~Leigh

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