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G+_Michael Kerr

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Bad battery is the simple fix / hope. I had this exact same problem with my thunderbolt. I have an issue with a razor atmosphere where it gets extremely hot and drains from full to nothing in about 20 minutes. It will do this for a couple of days then won't do it again for a few weeks. I believe it's app related just haven't figured out which one...

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That is also a good point Robert McLaughlin . It may be a rogue app.


Have you tried rebooting? Pulling the battery? Is this happening with wifi connected or without? Is GPS constantly on? Are there any apps that are pulling an inordinate amount of power? Did you change anything on your device recently such as new apps/ROM/Kernel/etc?


I am inclined to think there is something running in the background that is causing this. Although a bad battery is not out of the question.

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what caused that on my gs2 was the new google music app update i uninstall the update fine then i reinstall problem re-appears? worth a try. let us know how you get on? (i'm in UK not sure if its anything to do with update being for streaming or not) Just one more thing to mention have you got a sd card in? might be the card?

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Since it's "new to you" you could try a factory reset. If that doesn't fix it then I agree with Lucas Nichols about bringing it back.


My S3 (also Verizon) gets hot in that exact same spot when I'm downloading or uploading large amounts of data, but will usually cool pretty quickly when it finishes.

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