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Battery life tests HTC O2 Snapdragon 820 Cams on phones etc

G+_James Barber

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The reason that the camera drive is present with Android users is that Apple advertises and promotes its camera very well (even though it is worse).  The American media on top of this promotes this stance as Apple is popular in the US).


The LG G4 camera takes amazing shots if you don't have your DSLR on you, especially with storing the RAW files on the microSD card to edit later on.  That specifically is the point, the reason that people want their phone cameras to be good, is because they don't want to carry around a DSLR to events, holidays and parties to get great shots, they want to be able to get great shots all the time.


The normal user has little to no concept of the differences in Android skins or audio (which is why Samsung can still dominate with the really bad Touchwiz UI).  Normal people understand that phone cameras have replaced the point and shoot, this is what they get hung up on.   (Yet they never consider that framing and being able to take a good photo as a skill is far more important.  For example a family friend was asking how to get her iPhone 6+ to take photos as good as my HTC One (2013) even though the cameras are in a different league ).


Screen sizes -

If a company puts out a phone at about 4.7 to 5" and has flagship level build and hardware, there is a significant market of people looking for smaller phones.  For my next phone I am going to only be looking for 5.2" or smaller.  Currently I'm happy to keep my HTC One (M7) for the 3rd year or until Marshmallow comes out.

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