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A simple attempt at python code

G+_Nevrin O

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Hi Nevrin O . You're making a great start. I think you can get rid of the call to raw_input on line 5, since it's already being called for as long as you don't have a valid input, in the while loop after it. You'll have to restructure your loop a bit though.


Here's a version with some possible improvements:https://gist.github.com/anonymous/10212902


You'll probably also notice that your program crashes when you enter something that isn't an int. I haven't seen the episode about python yet, but I think you haven't yet encountered exceptions. If you want to get a head start on learning python, you should find out more about these, they're really useful for catching all sorts of cases that can cause problems in your programs.

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Frederik Creemers Thanks for the advice on the first part of my code I was looking at a way to improve that when i saw your post. and yes i know it crashes when a non int is entered. I originally had some try/exception code in there but had issues with it so i removed it just to get further into my code. I do have experience with exceptions with c#, C++, and java but this is the first I've used them in python so im sure its just a small change that keeps breaking it. gonna post my updated version soon Thanks!

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