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On the last episode you spoke again about the device limit for All Access

G+_Lou Adam

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On the last episode you spoke again about the device limit for All Access. If you go in the settings you can remove devices yourself in "my devices". I've done this many times myself. Correct me if there's something I'm missing. Jason Howell? Myriam Joire?

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You can only remove 4 devices a year while only having 10 maximum authorised devices. So if you have a Chromebook, Phone, Tablet that's 3, Add maybe a Windows &/or Mac Laptop & then testing a dozen phones you hit that limit quite fast & yet can only remove 4 of them a year!


So yes you can remove devices from within the app, That's not the issue, The issue is the amount of devices you can remove.. ?


Edit: I originally typed the wrong number/got a few details wrong!

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