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Hey Android folks, anyone else install this month 's security update that then broke your device?

G+_Glenn Ford

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Hey Android folks, anyone else install this month's security update that then broke your device? I just installed it on my Nexus 9 and now when I try to boot it I get an error message on the but screen stating my device is corrupt, then it continues trying to buy and once it nears losing, I get error messages stating the "NFCService" has stopped. Even if I tap "OK" or "report" it just reloads the message and will not finish booting. Looks like it bricked it. Anyone else experience this, out is it just me?

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I don't think I had anything modded, though.  And why would that keep the NFC Service from booting up?  In searching around, I did notice that last month's security update seemed to have caused a similar problem with other people's Nexus 9's.  Maybe it's specific to that device?  Regardless, I'm waiting for it to finish a factory reset, and worried it is stuck on the boot screen...YIKES.

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Thanks, Mark!  I actually have tried that multiple times, and now it just hangs on the boot animation. The tablet is borked.  And Google says they can't help, and HTC says I need to get Google to help me flash the Android ROM to it...so.  If flashing works (I was reading the instructions in the Developer site, and it's a bit beyond my capabilities), I'll post it here in case anyone else has this problem.  And thanks to all of you for the responses and advice!

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Thanks Mark and Michael!  HTC claimed they couldn't flash the ROM (ridiculous, I know), and Google support said that since I didn't buy it from them, they couldn't help.  BUT, Google Support (they've always been good to me) directly contacted HTC who is replacing the tablet.  At this point, I'm just tired of futzing with it, so will await my replacement.  Thanks for the link to the toolkit; I'm storing that for future use!

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