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Mixed Signals


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Originally shared by Christopher Best


Mixed Signals


So right after giving them major props for the price changes for Google Drive, I get this e-mail from Google:


Dear Christopher,


We wanted to let you know about an update to Google Wallet that might change the way you use the app. Right now it looks like you’re using tap and pay with a device running an Android version older than 4.4 KitKat. On the newest version of Android, tap and pay works with different technology for an improved experience. As a result, starting on A?p?r?i?l 1?4, 2?0?1?4, tap and pay will no longer work for devices with older Android versions.


Wow... So the best feature of Google Wallet will now only work on the OS version that, by Google's own numbers, only makes up 2.5% of the installed base? And even IF you happen to be in that 2.5%, tap-and-pay support is also limited by manufacturer and carrier, meaning the actual number of users who can use it are probably something akin to 1% or less of all Android users?


What. The. Fuck.


This is just plain ridiculous.

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