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Question: I am seriously thinking about getting a Nexus 7 Do I buy one now or do I wait until Go...

G+_Barry Furnival

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Everyone has an opinion and each is right because his  opinion fits his circumstances.  I would go ahead and get one but that's just me.  It may be that the upgrade will not really affect how you would use the tablet.  If there is a substantial upgrade such that you want to get a new version you can sell the 'old' one to Gayzelle if you have no use or budget for two.

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I've been asking myself the same question too. I really want a Nexus 7 but have wondered if I should wait. However, I've come to the conclusion that as Google I/O is still three months away, and it will probably be a little while after I/O that any new Nexus will actually become available I think I will just go ahead and get one now. :)

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