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Has anyone switched from a Samsung phone to the Pixel?

G+_Steve Chester

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Has anyone switched from a Samsung phone to the Pixel? I'm thinking about getting one when my contract is up in April, I currently have the S6. My main question is does having "pure" Android stop the instances of updating apps only to have them kill my battery, for instance I go to work one day and my battery is down to 60% after I update apps it'll be 30% the next day after work. Does having "pure" Android help that.

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Adrian Hester?? it's worth the switch. I came from Note 4 & 7 to Pixel XL. Great change. The battery is so much better than my note 4. Didn't have the 7 long enough to really push it. I'm a heavy user and my phone lasts all day. My wife has the S6 edge and the battery life sucks. She just uses FB and FB messenger and has to be tethered every few hours.

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