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Apparently Carbon is trying to tease everyone again

G+_David Riley

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Apparently Carbon is trying to tease everyone again. Sorry, but they burned all their bridges with multiple "It'll be out in a few days", and promising up and down when they passed each release date, and then finally going completely silent for months.


Even if it's a great app, I wouldn't trust them for future support/development of the app. Sorry, Carbon for Android, you had your chance. Falcon Pro is a great app and communicates WAY more than you. I'll stick with Falcon Pro.

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I follow the Carbon Twitter and they're back with a vengeance. 5 Tweets between 12/18/2011 and 10/4/2012. Compared to the 35 tweets in the past 8 hours. Many apologies, comments that they are past the beta stage, and promises that they have a solid date in mind but they won't tell anyone until a day or two beforehand.


I don't know if it's the good press Falcon Pro has been getting or the fact that Carbon has become synonymous with vaporware for Android, but they've gotten incredibly motivated all of a sudden.


Actions will speak louder than words here. The app will have to be extra special to overcome the bad taste in many mouths. I'm still looking forward to see what it is they put out.

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I followed them too (before I saw their tweets and remembered I followed them. I've since unfollowed them). Just because they're replying to tweets and coming up with tweets mean nothing to me. I can tweet 1,000 times today, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything without evidence (especially in light of the past). And, like I said, they may release 


In the past on twitter, they kept promising days and HOURS before that a release would be out. But there was NOTHING.


The number of tweets has no bearing to me. The ship has sailed. You don't promise up and down to your potential customers (I say potential, since they never said if there'd be a paid version or not) something, then disappear. I can't trust future development with them because they've shown how shitty their communication is and empty promises.

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I don't disagree. :)


Was just pointing out that there's a significant difference in behavior here. They go from averaging 1 tweet every other month to complete silence for a couple months to ~5 tweets an hour.


Why now? What lit the fire under them? Why are they so vocal and responsive now when they weren't before?


I completely understand why many might not care and that it's too little too late, but there's still an interesting story here, IMO.


As far as how they do in the marketplace goes, if they can deliver the goods, the number of people they pissed off won't matter much.

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Ah. I understand. You're right. It would be interesting to find out why. If I had to guess, they probably see how well Falcon Pro is doing (press-wise... I haven't checked how many downloads it has). Perhaps they see how similar Falcon Pro looks to what they teased before, they realized they could have made some money off of it (be it through a paid app or indirect means).

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