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I 'm so torn between my Note 4 and Nexus 6 What I really want is the Nexus ' software on the N...

G+_Peter Dulley

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I think this is everyone (including Google's) dream. If only I could buy anyone's hardware I wanted and run the stock Google experience, with consistent updates. As I think about it what I want for my Android devices is what we've had had for decades with Windows PC's. Microsoft doesn't have to wait on Dell, HP, Lenovo or Acer etc to tweak and approve OS upgrades for your PC even though they might have vastly different hardware and capabilities.?

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Jeremy Woodruff for me it's mostly the feel in the hand. It's much easier to hold due to its textured back, flat sides and it being narrower. I can use the Note one handed, not the Nexus. The screen is slightly nicer on the Note, though the more I compare them side by side I prefer the DPI on the Nexus. Also the Note feels more solid to me. Here's something I feel like no one will understand, the vibration motor. It's far better on the Note. I couldn't care less about vibrating when ringing. For haptic feedback. The Nexus' motor feels likes (and sounds like) a kids toy. The Note's is solid. But I almost forget about all of this as soon as i start using the far superior software on the Nexus.

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