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Curiouser and Curiouser

G+_Tom Gehrke

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Curiouser and Curiouser


This is probably a good follow-up to last week's discussion on the idea that Google is trying to lock down Android. Is it too late? Does it even matter? Who will make the next move?


Tune in next week, viewers! Same Android time. Same Android channel.


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This is smart for them.  But, their problem isn't the breadth of Samsung apps available to users, but the quality of said apps.


This too will lead to competition, but primarily between Google and Samsung.  Also, more and more people are talking about Nexus devices (including my non-techie friends).


Finally, there's one place that Samsung won't be able to compete (at least not yet) is the web.  Google will win there almost every time, especially since they want iOS users as well.

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Samsung has a solid understanding of how people want to use devices. They understood way back in 2010 that some people wanted a larger (7 inch) tablet with phone capabilities.

As for the Samsung fork of Android, I am excited to see what they have to offer as long as they still have access to the Play Store. Eventually I see them "pulling an apple" and controlling the entire experience, hardware and software. It would still be a win win for Android fans. More choice is better right?

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