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"Android is upgrading "

G+_Z Kam

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Sorry, I had my Droid Turbo hat on, for which this is a known issue. For the Nexus 5 there are a number of threads out there about this issue related to if the phone was rooted, if the update was side-loaded, or if Titanium Backup was previously used. If none of those apply, you could try wiping the cache in the boot loader, or at worst a factory reset (neither of which shows up as successful in any of the threads I read so be warned). 

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I'm starting to wish I hadn't upgraded. I can't really think of a single must-have benefit to Lollipop.


Instead I lost root and the ability to run Titanium and other rooted apps. I don't like the new multitasking (and the Last App Switcher app doesn't work). Crappier calendar and photo gallery, 30+ seconds to turn on WiFi, (and really long reboot time). Battery life is no better (and maybe worse - I'm sure the ugly white theme all over doesn't help) and I think I've even lost some sensitivity in my GPS.


Can someone remind me how it's supposed to be an improvement?

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