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Wasn 't there some NSA code that was offered up to Android a few months back?

G+_Will Chase

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Wasn't there some NSA code that was offered up to Android a few months back?


It seemed harmless at the time, but not in light of recent leaks:


Bruce Schneier reporting for the Guardian, "As was revealed today, the NSA also works with security product vendors to ensure that commercial encryption products are broken in secret ways that only it knows about. We know this has happened historically: CryptoAG and Lotus Notes are the most public examples, and there is evidence of a back door in Windows. A few people have told me some recent stories about their experiences, and I plan to write about them soon. Basically, the NSA asks companies to subtly change their products in undetectable ways: making the random number generator less random, leaking the key somehow, adding a common exponent to a public-key exchange protocol, and so on. If the back door is discovered, it's explained away as a mistake. And as we now know, the NSA has enjoyed enormous success from this program."


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