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Hey folks getting a new phone next weekend but I have no clue what to get

G+_Greg Bilton

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Hey folks getting a new phone next weekend but I have no clue what to get. I have the M7 now but the M8 isn't enough of an upgrade for me to get it. Was thinking, moto x , G3 , or Z3. I'm not a fan of all the junk Samsung puts on their phones and I'm not too big on customization, I just want a great phone to use out of the box. I even briefly considered switching to the iPhone but I couldn't bring myself to downgrade that much.

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Rodney Dyer the battery life is what I'm afraid of. I get about 12 hours on one charge with moderate use and all my radios on. I don't use any battery management other than the auto screen brightness. I've been very happy with the M7. I'm worried that the x has a bigger screen but basically the same battery I probably won't sees anywhere near that kind of battery performance

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